so_damn_insane ([info]so_damn_insane) rakstīja,
@ 2007-01-19 12:24:00

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chopped liver
a) Because of its unusual taste and gray appearance, it is an acquired taste and not a favorite or comfort food with everyone at the dinner table. This has given rise to the popular Jewish-American expression "What am I, chopped liver ?", signifying frustration or anger at being ignored on a social level.

b) Literally, chopped liver is a traditional Jewish dish, cooked chicken livers chopped or ground and seasoned, sometimes used as a sandwich filling. "What am I, chopped liver?" means "Don't dismiss me as if I were insignificant." I recently heard an explanation of this saying. Unfortunately, I don't remember where. It went like this: Chopped liver is always served as a side dish, never as a main dish. It therefore makes a good metaphor for someone who's being treated as unimportant or dispensable.

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