so_damn_insane ([info]so_damn_insane) rakstīja,
@ 2007-01-15 10:51:00

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A friend of mine was swimming in a lake in the eighties and some ball lightening appeared. It bounced along the surface of the lake near him, scaring him and others on the lake beach somewhat as he raced to the shore.

It dissipated shortly after he got out, and he went straight to the lakeside bar to get a drink, touched the proffered glass, and it exploded. Other than that and a healthy dose of 'holy fuck', he had no ill effects.

A friend of mine was swimming in a lake in the eighties and some ball lightening appeared.

That's not ball lightening, that's just shrinkage. Happens to men when they're swimming all the time. Usually not when the water's in the eighties though.

It dissipated shortly after he got out

Yeah, that's typical too.

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