so_damn_insane ([info]so_damn_insane) rakstīja,
@ 2008-06-07 10:24:00

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A bird calls in the night, a half-moon sheds its light onto the deep jungle, I lie. Yellowed tusks part the grass, keen, bloodshot eyes stare out at my unsuspecting prey. A flash of red, a dwarf runs by, his tiger pet in tow, the Shoulder of the Scarlet Champion sets his diminuative, but burly frame. Suddanly, I rear before him. Demonic mist spills from my shoulders as the black mail clinks against my skin, the hushed wisper of a bow like a sunburst of light is all that is heard aside from the dwarf's startled gasp. His tiger lies dead, slain in a puff of smoke as my ancient windserpent of legend is summoned, finishing the feline in a rush of sacred smoke and the crackle of lightning. One Second, the dwarf turns. Two Seconds, he runs, a snarl announcing his burst of speed. Three seconds....*whump* The dwarf goes limp, his body crumpling into a sad little heap. I approach him, and begining with a left-vertical slash, I spit upon his desicrated corpse. A single hiss escapes me, after holding my breath for so long..."Tas'dingo, bitch."

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