Btw, paskatījos wikipedia - izrādās, tas tiešām ierakstās zem "epic trance", kas ir
reāls termins. Un jā, tur ietilpst arī Darude.
Uplifting trance uses similar chord progressions as progressive trance, but tracks' chord progressions usually rest on a major chord, and the balance between major and minor chords in a progression will determine how "happy" or "sad" the progression sounds. The genre features longer major chord progressions in all elements (lead synth, bass, and treble). It also contains extended breakdowns, and relegation of arpeggiation (the melodic part of the song, usually consisting of "Saw Synths/Square Lead" type sounds) to the background while bringing wash effects to the fore (the harmonic element of the music, or "background fill", usually consisting of synth choir/voice/string chord progressions). There is a close relation between Uplifting Trance and uplifting House. As a general rule of thumb, faster BPM rates indicates trance; less indicates house.
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