





Kādā veidā ir iespējams pārkāpt "twitera noteikumus" izņemot gadījumā, ja twiteri pārvalda totalitāri komnunistu subhjūmani kā tu? Twiteris u.c. sociālie mēdiji sākotnēji bija iecerēti kā publiskas tribīnas jebkuram cilvēkam. Vienīgie ierobežojumi runai tajos varēja būt saistīti ar kriminālkodeksa pārkāpšanu. Teiksim, atklāta musināšana uz vardarbību. Pateicoties tam, ka šos socimēdiju šobrīd kontrolē tādi derdzīgi cilvēces atkritumi kā tu, viņi sen jau vairs neievēro šādus runas brīvības principus, bet ir kļuvuši par vienas sūdainas politiskas kliķes ruporiem un es godīgi sakot ar tādām ēdēm darītu daudz skarbāk, nekā Tramps. Tev ir jābūt priecīga, ka jūsu sugu vēl pagaidām netvarsta uz ielām un neieliek musorņikā, kur jums vieta. Priecājies, ka kāds vēl domā par demokrātiju, runas brīvību un nevēlas, jūs, totalitārisma atbalstītājus pa tieši aizsūtīt pie senčiem.











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Deaths As of May 31, 2020, eight deaths have been linked to the George Floyd demonstrations by investigators or noted for their proximity to demonstrations: On May 27 in Minneapolis, Calvin Horton Jr. died after being fatally shot during a protest. A local shopowner was arrested, and police sources indicated that the suspect had opened fire after he saw lootings.[62] On May 29 in Detroit, a man was fatally shot in the vicinity of protests.[63] On May 30 in Oakland, a Federal Protective Service officer was fatally shot outside a federal courthouse, and another was wounded. Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf noted that the officer had been observing protests when he was killed by an assaulter.[64] On May 30 in St. Louis, a man died after being run over by a FedEx truck trailer that was fleeing rioters.[65] On May 30 in Omaha, a protester was fatally shot.[66] On May 30 in Chicago, a man was killed and five others were injured in multiple incidents in the vicinity of protests.[67] On May 31 in Indianapolis, two people were fatally shot during protests or riots in downtown.[68] On June 1 in Louisville, a man was killed after law enforcement "returned fire" after shots were fired at them.[69]

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