Pasaule nav slima, salauzta vai bezcerīga. Pasaule ir 'gudra' šī vārda visdziļākajā nozīmē, katra tās sastāvdaļa ir tieši tur, kur tai jābūt. Pesimisms ir tikai īslaicīgs process.
"Man nekā netrūkst un tomēr nav īsti nekādas jēgas, jo tagadne ir netverama, drošībai nav pamata un šī nav vieta, kur sapņi piepildās."
Viela pārdomām:
"Numerous studies conclude that division among people dissolves when there is an opposing outside threat. A common enemy bring opposing sides together faster than any other type of group cohesion technique. This phenomenon is also characteristic of how people respond within their own lives and minds. When your mind has nothing to focus on it divides itself and creates a breeding ground for worries and anxieties. Yet, once you get a clearly defined outside goal that you are passionate about, these divisions cease. When you have a clear objective, you're in better mood and your attention is clear and focused. A mind, like a group, with nothing to occupy it, will turn against itself."
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