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@ 2009-02-06 11:11:00

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The Pianocktail is a piano that mixes drinks based on the combination of keys played. Each key corresponds to a different spirit or liquor and cocktails are produced appropriate to the mood of the song played so that the concerto can be internalized and the music can be drank in addition to being heard. It is an absurd creation, an object originally imagined by Boris Vian in his novel "L’ecume des Jours".

The Pianocktail is fabricated from a grand upright piano deconstructed so that 88 sensors reside below each key. Atop the piano, placed upside-down, are bottles of drinks that are connected to solenoid valves that drain into a tube that stretches along the length of the piano. Each piano key is mapped into a circuit. An Ardunio microcontroller analyzes the data of key presses and via an algorithm specific combinations of keys trigger a release of alcohol, juice or garnish into a glass. Combinations of keys produce specific cocktails, regardless of the length of the piece played. The mixing is possible by keeping cocktail proportions: two ounces of base liquor and two shots of mixers for the body and the perfume. The alcohol is mapped on the keys of the piano from darkest liquor to lightest liquor, with the C key in each octave being the base liquor and the remainder of keys mapped to mixers, juices and garnishes. The resulting cocktails are unpredictable and unusual. One might not know what the Moonlight Sonata might taste like until one plays it, but each succeeding time the song is played it will always produce the same cocktail, allowing for the discovery of favorite song/favorite drink combination. The theory being that the cocktails are in accordance to the mood of the song played and the whole experience is synesthesia, allowing one to wholly taste the music they produce.

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