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@ 2003-06-18 12:18:00

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Bush - In A Lonely Place

Caressing the marble and stone
Caressing the marble and stone
Love is a special form
Were wasting the feeling I feel
I wish you were here with me now
I wish you were here with me now
Boiling all curls and eyes
Past is the awful and the light
More like a dark ride (feel)
I wish you were here with me now
I wish you were here with me now
And I wish your arms were here waiting
God stretches time and it grays
Someday we will die in your dreams
I wish you were here with me now
I wish you were here with me now
I wish you were here with me now
I wish you were here with me now
And I wish your arms were here waiting
God stretches time and it grays
Someday we will die in your dreams
I wish you were here with me now
I wish you were here with me now
Caressing the marble and stone
Caressing the marble and stone
Love is a special form
Were wasting the feeling I feel

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