18 April 2007 @ 11:45 pm
Rakos pa atvilktni cerībās atrast lapiņu, uz kuras pierakstīt svarīgo stuff, un vienu atradu. Ar pusizbalējušām rūtiņām, robainu malu, pusapļa formas tējaskrūzes nospiedumu un, kas ir pats galvenais,- ar svarīgo stuff jau uzrakstītu.
"There are easier things to do in life than finding a nice guy. Like nailing jelly to a tree, for example."
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falter ego: save the wolf[info]shiry on April 19th, 2007 - 12:34 am
The seeking tends to get rather tiring after a while, though.
On the other hand, you do have a point. :)
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[info]mindbound on April 19th, 2007 - 12:48 am
Behold! Thou have asked, and I have heeded thy call. Seek, and thou shall find; or cease now and be pleased with what you have at hand. For if all the efforts shall turn useless, I am volunteering as the nice guy. :)
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falter ego: wouldn't dream of it[info]shiry on April 19th, 2007 - 12:57 am
Well now, this is quite a lovely, if unexpected, turn of events. :)
And just out of curiosity - what does being a nice guy entail, according to you?
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[info]mindbound on April 19th, 2007 - 01:18 am
Well, I just try to be myself, without decorations or disguises. And then it's for others to decide, am I nice guy or not. :)
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falter ego: save the wolf[info]shiry on April 19th, 2007 - 01:23 am
That's certainly an approvable approach. :)

Un vispār, ko neguli vēl?
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[info]mindbound on April 19th, 2007 - 02:31 am
Esmu sertificēts naktsputns. :)
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