(Pieklājības forma - sakimas, -te forma - saite, -nai forma - sakanai, smadzeņu forma - izplūdusi un disorientēta. Should probably take a rest, one more week, ha ha.)
(Oh, I think it got serious a long time ago, while we were busy doing something else, like - I don't know - not caring maybe, or something along the lines. Un, ja tāda dziesma ir, šobrīd es to negribētu dzirdēt, khh.)
(Wait, wait, wait.. You mean there's even more than that to worry about? Holy cow. I think this just got me into such state that I might have to stay in bed for days, weeks even until I recover. Or. We could just live happily ever after, simply not caring. Sounds good to me, gh.)
(oh, goodie! OH GOD, i mean. it looks like i'll have to get drunk or something, this is just too much stress for me. where's my (something to drink)?!)