Miss_wetlook ([info]shiny) rakstīja,
@ 2011-07-11 01:00:00

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Old archives, before 11 july 2011
Main sub-pages
Also seen wet founds at 11.7.11.; 21.8.11.; 18.9.11.; 6.11.11.; 15.1.12.; 5.2.12..
(Back to --> Front page .)

* Nice wetlook's
==> UPDATED 13.6.10. Pictures2010 ;
==> Old galleries and sites before 26.7.09. (no more updates);
==> Muslim/islamic/modest swimwear (almost wetlook!);
* UPDATE 27.7.09. Latvians ;
* UPDATE 1.8.10. Casual-daily- street ;
* UPDATE 23.05.10. Only commercials .
* Wet video
==> UPDATE 7.11.10. Amateur youtube's and no-youtubes (wetlooks with wet high heels, sorry- no other ones);
==> UPDATE 1.08.10. Bollywood and Muijras (indian and oriental);
==> UPDATE 23.05.10. Sexy Car Wash ;
==> NEW 23.05.10. Movies with wetlook ;
==> UPDATE 7.11.10. Music video ;
==> UPDATE 7.11.09. Wet-tv/trend shows/web-shows ;
* UPDATE 7.11.10. Sites - new after 1st january 2008 ;
* UPDATE 25.10.09. Shemales, crossdressers (xxx!!!)
* UPDATE 7.11.10. wetlook blogs;
* UPDATE 1.08.10. Wetlookers .
Wetlook galleries
* UPDATE 7.11.10. 2010 ;
* 2009 (some maybe no works);
* 2008 (some maybe no works);
* UPDATE 7.11.10. Wetlook models and photografs;
* NEW 7.11.10. wet-t shirts /only;
* UPDATE 13.12.09. 100% underwater ;
========> UPDATE 7.11.10. Where i seek the wetlook .
* The old links collection-some maybe no working (before 31dec2007) ;
* "Stories page"
(sorry - stories in latvian, but at the end =>links to similar stories
pages all over the world).

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