sekste ([info]sekste) rakstīja,
@ 2008-06-03 20:53:00

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es galīgi stulba paliku.
ko es te vispār muldu daudz par kaut kādu atbrīvošanās atlikšanu uz vēlāku laiku un to, ka, ja es atbrīvošos jau tagad, tad pēctam būs grūti ieiet atpakal tā, lai varētu tos eksāenus piebeigt.
POHUJ! taču!

hūūū, cik labi ir būt skaidā.
nav brīnums,ko es te vislaik ta ka gruzos taka ne. ja esmu nebrīvē sevi ielikusi, ko gan es varu gribēt?
tagad un tūlīt šai pašā mirklī. paldies.

Here we are, Born to be kings,
We're the princes of the universe,
Here we belong, Fighting to survive,
In a world with the darkest powers,
And here we are, We're the princes of the universe,
Here we belong, Fightinf for survival,
We've come to be the rulers of your world,
I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings,
I have no rival, No man can be my equal,
Take me to the future of your world,
Born to be kings, Princes of the universe,
Fighting and free, Got your world in my hand,
I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand,
We were born to be princes of the universe,
No man could understand. My power is in my own hands,
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, People talk about you,
People say you've had your day,
I'm a man that will go far,
Fly the moon and reach for the stars,
With my sword and head held high,
Got to pass the test first time - yeah,
I know that people talk about me I hear it every day,
But I can prove you worng cos I'm right first time,
(Yeah. Yeah. Alright, Wathc this man fly,
Bring on the girls)
Here We are. Born to be kings. We're the princes of
the universe. Here we belong. Born to be kings,
Princes of the universe. Fighting and free,
Got your world in my hand. I'm here for your love,
And I'll make my stand,
We were born to be princes of the universe.

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