haven't done quizzes in a bit, so...
At your ten year high school reunion... by robbiewriterYour school nameYour nameYour job will beDoctorYou will be worth$537,384Everyone will think youlooked cuter in high schoolQuiz created with MemeGen!ACK! What am I going to look like then??Your 20 Year High School Reunion by Babybear089Your NameYour AgeYour SchoolHow much you will be worth$1,482,429Your JobPorn StarHow many failed marraiges9How many pounds you will have gained35Quiz created with MemeGen!How the HELL am I going to be a porn star if I don't even wear SHORTS in public??Theme songs of your life by eponineyour name?love song:i dont wanna wait - paula coledepressing song:colorblind - counting crowsparty song:wrong way - sublimewhat-the-hell-ever song:walk this way - aerosmithyour lifeimagine - john lennonQuiz created with MemeGen!I knew ALL the songs on Sarah's...but I know like NONE on this. I don't even recognize all of the artists on here. Let's try a different one.The Songs Of Your Life by xo_lil_bia_oxNameAre You Happy or Sad at the moment?Your Love Song.....Pieces Of Me by Ashlee SimpsonYour Heartbreak Song....Bringin' on The Heartbreak by Mariah CareyYour Club Song.....Tear It Up by Young WunYour Oldies Song...Jessie's Girl by Rick SpringfieldQuiz created with MemeGen!I can't stand Ashlee Simpson.The Theme Song To Your Life by hoodedturtleName:Your Theme Song:David Bowie - ChangesQuiz created with MemeGen!Erm...who?Your Life Theme Song by Elena_LeonhartNameAgeYour song"Girl's Not Grey" by AFIQuiz created with MemeGen!Don't know em. GOSH, why don't they have anything good on these?the soundtrack to your life by cuteliz34nameopening creditsthe reason by hoobastanklove songjust like heaven by the cureheart break songyou're so last summer by taking back sundayI hate you songthe pharmacist by hot rod circuiteverythings ok songour weekend starts on wednesday by hey mercedesclosing creditsthe artist in the ambulance by thriceQuiz created with MemeGen!Eh..okay. -_- *pouts* You know how it shows answers before you put yours in? Well, well, one was a Starting Line song. I LOVE them. And I didn't get one of their songs. *poutishness**ish not giving up until she gets one she likes a lot*The Soundtrack Of Your Life (emo and punk) by littledrummerboyNameAgeAverage Day Scenethe hurt process "this piece"Best Friends Scenesaves the day "ups and downs"Love Scenea new found glory "it's been a summer"Heartbreak Scenefuneral for a friend "rookie of the year"Breakdown Sceneunderoath "reinventing you exit"Flashback Scenemad caddies "drinking for 11"Death Scenebrand new "jaws theme swimming"Quiz created with MemeGen!Ack, again, the example was great, this one...okay, I'm sure, if I knew all the artists.The Soundtrack to Your Life by faeriebebeUsernameAgeOpening CreditsGreen Day- WarningLove sceneBrad Martin- CompletelyLoverBreak-up sceneThe Starting Line- LeavingLife altering news sceneTim McGraw- Live Like You Were DyingMoment of truth scene98 degrees- I DoEndingBlink 182- Adam's SongClosing creditsVan Morrison- Brown Eyed GirlQuiz created with MemeGen!*does a dance* STARTING LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What is the soundtrack to your life? by xtouchxmyxweenusxName:Age:Sex:Type of music:grungemain band:A.F.Isong of ur life:"Blue and Yellow"The Usedband member:Benji Maddenlyric:"Motivate me,I wanna get myself outta this bed...captivate me,I want good thoughts inside of my head..."Quiz created with MemeGen!Semi-okay. I might as well just give up now.
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