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MYSTIC BEAUTY - You are eccentric, enigmatic, andintriguing. You keep to yourself and so no oneknows the real you. You prefer the solace andquiet of your own company over big crowds ofpeople. You are highly intelligent but you doeverything your own way. You come off as quirkyor weird and most people don't understand youat all. You are probably a little disorganized.You probably also seem distant and dreamy butthat's because you're off in your own littleworld. What type of beauty do you possess? (20 questions + 7 results + pretty pics) brought to you by QuizillaI really enjoyed that quiz. I guess that fits, doesn't it?The Obnoxiously Orange Turkish Spork! What oddly colored spork are you? brought to you by QuizillaWow. No comment.Going to put away dishes and eat brownies.
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