rubberwolfboy ([info]rubberwolfboy) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-31 13:40:00

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hehe. my grandma is so cute. she's always sending me cards all the time for valentine's day or easter or whatever. it's sweet.i didn't go to school today cause i had a race at alpental (ew). it was raining and wet and mushy...but it was slalom so i loved it anyways. i think i placed like 28th out of 80 girls. which is like good-to-okay for me so i'm happy. not looking forward to the rain and slush in combination with GS tomorrow, and then super-g on sunday. i'm slightly considering not going on sunday...but who knows. jason (my coach) was late this morning cause he left all his crap up at stevens and didn't realize until he got up at 5:45 and looked in his closet. so he had to drive to stevens and then over to alpental. and there's really no quick way to go between the two. but he got there right before me and cassey ran so he was there at the bottom when we got down.i kind of want to go do something tonight. but maybe i'll watch degrassi and south of nowhere instead and go do something tomorrow. decisions, decisions =)well anyways, ciao! p.s. i'm wearing a pretty skirt. funnnn xD

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