
For the last day of the year, according to the current Gregorian calendar (the most widely used today in most of the world), I decided to gift you with a very interesting split between two great projects. The disk in question belongs to a series of splits released by Dead Pilot Records in very limited cdr editions, this is the seventh in the series. The first track belongs to Plurals (Pete Dodd, Duncan Harrison, Daniel Mackenzie and others...from uk), they play somekind of psichadelic drone noise music with layers & layers of sound textures, that pervade our brain waves with strange frequencies that elevate us to a state of pleasurable catalepsy. Tullum Shimmeting brings us the second track of this record and it's a UK based one man's project (Jake Webster) that i like a lot. The sound that he creates it's an amazing trancedental drone music with timeless loops and a lot of ethnic influences.Certainly in the near future I will here post an album of these two projects. Not even worth saying that this is another record that I highly recommend.
Limited edition of 100 copies.