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Take the quiz: "Whats your political view."

We should have a goverment that only partially control its citizens. I say give a trusting leader 75percent and we have a great country.

lai nu kas, bet šis.. :D
  • huh. nabaga tu..
  • Take the quiz: "Whats your political view."

    Screw goverment. Try telling me what to do, get the fuck outta here. Let people learn from their mistakes and the stupid will die in the chaos.
  • Take the quiz: "Whats your political view."

    Screw goverment. Try telling me what to do, get the fuck outta here. Let people learn from their mistakes and the stupid will die in the chaos.
  • laabdien! :)
  • hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    komuniste beeee :]
  • es atljaushos piefiitot:)...

    Take the quiz: "Whats your political view."

    Screw goverment. Try telling me what to do, get the fuck outta here. Let people learn from their mistakes and the stupid will die in the chaos.
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