so, i haven't fallen off of the face of the planet. i just fell into the face of seattle. and portland. and vancouver. and lots and lots of new books. it seems like i've been here forever. there's been christmas with strangers, independant bookstores, hetero drama, frollicing on cold beaches but not staying long enough to journal, horrible hills that are far too painful for urban hiking, a huge colorful library that i really could get lost in, sisterly fightsbonding, shopping in stores that i normally wouldn't enter, sleeping late, watching cable tv, stars on ice, etc etc etci haven't been able to use my phone. which leaves me mighty lonely. i feel cut off from the rest of the world. at first, it was refreshing, now, i'm completely stressed out. not to mention i just got a nasty phone call that makes me want to punch things. all is fine, really. *vomit*maybe i teared up a little bit. but don't tell anyone. i'll tell em you're a liar.i believe that there should be a housewarming party at 227 heatherwood dr. a cheap one, in which everyone brings something so that i don't have to spend money as i am very far beyond the land of "brokeness"i have lots of good ideas for art. i fear they'll escape me once i enter baton rouge. writing them down is useless, it'll be gone far too soon. goodbye.
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