renkun14 ([info]renkun14) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-24 08:51:00

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going away present
hopefully jenny will be blocked from reading this. no one read it around hertell me what everyone thinks of this plan. vote "whoa, that's awesome" or "fuck, you're a loser"subject: Jenny McGibbon's going awayidea-er: kate "i'm brilliant" wilsonburster of bubble: Laurie "she really likes that job" Penningtonstory: Jenny is leaving on Sunday to go back to SB. In case you don't know the story, she doesn't really want to go so soon, especially since it's right after finals and she won't get any good farewells from people since everyone is busy "passing." she doesn't really have to be gone until june 1-ish when she will begin a job. kate thought this would be great if we could just talk her into staying all summer, i don't think that'll work. but maybe we can let her stay a few extra weeks.howso? the only reason she's leaving is because she bought a non-refundable ticket for that date. so, we shall buy another ticket for her to go. i looked up on and a one way from NO to LA is about $150 pre fees. if each of us puts up 10-20 bucks, that isn't such a large sum of money, and it's probably the best goingaway present she could get. maybe we could disguise it as a dinner or party or, what's the general consensus on this? i say we could just give her the money instead of buying a ticket so that she can pick the date that's best for her. (ie, maybe the end of the summer)my vote: ok. I'd love to see the look on her face when she understands what's going on.EVERYONE VOTE.

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