i'm absolutely against polls
i'm absolutely against polls, but this one is ridiculous.... from a monroe, louisiana newspaper. Some supporters of a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages have said God will destroy the state like it was Sodom. Do you believe them? As of posting, 71% of voters say "yes"....quoted from Baton Rouge's newspaper coverage of what went down yesterday:"Committee member Robert Kostelka, R-Monroe, personalized the debate in a different way after [Rep] Holden argued that the proposal could easily be overturned by the US Supreme Court. Kostelka said a federal constitutional ban on gay marriage is needed and that marriage's purpose is to continue the human species. Then he added: 'I had a son who died of AIDS. I loved my son and I cherish his memory, but, as I told him, I could never accept his lifestyle.'"These are the people making our laws...
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