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[Sep. 13th, 2007|12:32 pm]
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Sad Cookie Cat

64% Affectionate, 37% Excitable, 57% Hungry

You are the classic Shakespearian tragedy of the lolcat universe. The sad story of a baking a cookie, succumbing to gluttony, and in turn consuming the very cookie that was to be offered. Bad grammar ensues.

un tu kurš lolkaķis?


Date:September 13th, 2007 - 12:55 pm

Your Score: Longcat

64% Affectionate, 28% Excitable, 48% Hungry

Protector of truth.
Slayer of darkness.
Longcat may seem like just a regular lengthy cat, but he is, in fact, looong. For proof, observe the longpic.
It is prophesized that Longcat and his archnemesis Tacgnol will battle for supremacy on Caturday. The outcome will change the face of the world, and indeed the very fabric of lolcatdom, forever.
Be grateful that the test has chosen you, and only you, to have this title.

Link: The Which Lolcat Are You? Test
Date:September 13th, 2007 - 01:26 pm
es aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarī!
[User Picture]
Date:September 13th, 2007 - 09:18 pm

Your Score: Lion Warning Cat

72% Affectionate, 57% Excitable, 40% Hungry

You are the good Samaritan of the lolcat world. Protecting others from danger by shouting observations and guidance in cases of imminent threat, you believe in the well-being of everyone.

To see all possible results, checka dis.

Link: The Which Lolcat Are You? Test written by GumOtaku on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test
Date:September 16th, 2007 - 03:23 am

Your Score: Serious Cat

47% Affectionate, 42% Excitable, 66% Hungry

Hungry for knowledge in any internet forum, you demand decorum. Any off-topic remarks, absurd statements, or tomfoolery on the interweb is deeply frowned upon by you. Truth has no room for drollery.

To see all possible results, checka dis.

Link: The Which Lolcat Are You? Test written by GumOtaku on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

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