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[Oct. 31st, 2006|01:07 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:October 31st, 2006 - 01:55 pm
Brikulis zinās, kur es šito dabūju, bete var jau arī kaut kā caur mani. Mājās dēļ routera noklājies ftp, bet tā kā korsičegs pārceļ jubiļeičegu, varbūt sanāks laiks noflashot uz ko modernāku, tad arī gaidi linku un accessinfo.
[User Picture]
Date:October 31st, 2006 - 02:00 pm
moš slsk?
[User Picture]
Date:October 31st, 2006 - 03:03 pm
bitcomet arī varēja novilkt mbv 4 ep.
[User Picture]
Date:October 31st, 2006 - 05:42 pm
Laba tiesa šitās stilistikas gabalu man ir vecā bootlegā, ko par 20 USD savulaik pirms 12 gadiem pasūtīju no ASV un kas saucās "This is your Bloody Valentine". Tagad gan vairs neslēpšu, ka biju samērā vīlies. Visu šo neizteiksmīgo posmu varētu raksturot ar vārdiem "Isn't Anything" vai pat "Loveless", ja vien tā nesauktos manuprāt labākie viņu veikumi, kurus savukārt pasūtīju no CDNOW laikā, kad mana stipendija bija 5 Ls. Nenožēloju ne centa :)
[User Picture]
Date:October 31st, 2006 - 05:48 pm
Pieņemu, ka Tev viss šis jau ir, bet nu ja ko vajag, dod ziņu

My Bloody Valentine - Things Left Behind... [2006/MP3/APX (VBR)/Log](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Things Left Behind... [2006/FLAC/Lossless (VBR)/Log](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Feed Me With Your Kiss [1988/MP3/256 (VBR)](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Ecstasy & Wine [1987/MP3/320](New)
My Bloody Valentine - This is Your Bloody Valentine [1990/MP3/320](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Ectasy and Wine [1987/MP3/192](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Loveless [1991/MP3/APX (VBR)](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Isn't Anything [1988/MP3/APX (VBR)](New)
My Bloody Valentine - You Made Me Realise EP [1988/MP3/APX (VBR)](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Glider EP [1990/MP3/APX (VBR)](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Ecstacy & Wine [1987/FLAC/Lossless (VBR)/Log](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Tremolo [EP] [1991/MP3/320](New)
My Bloody Valentine - This Is Your Bloody Valentine [1985/FLAC/Lossless (VBR)/Log](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Tremolo EP [1991/FLAC/Lossless (VBR)/Log](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Glider EP [1990/FLAC/Lossless (VBR)/Log](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Tremolo EP [1991/MP3/APS (VBR)](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Loveless [Vinyl rip] [1991/APE/Lossless (VBR)/Log](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Ecstasy EP [1989/MP3/192](New)
My Bloody Valentine - You Made Me Realise [1988/MP3/256](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Feed Me With Your Kiss [1988/FLAC/Lossless](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Loveless [1991/FLAC/Lossless/Log](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Isn't Anything [1988/FLAC/Lossless/Log](New)
my bloody valentine - only shallow promo CD [1992/MP3/192](New)
My Bloody Valentine - You Made Me Realise [1988/FLAC/Lossless/Log](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Isn't Anything [1988/MP3/320](New)
My Bloody Valentine - Loveless [1991/MP3/320/Log](New)

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