zaļā buržuāzija - October 17th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
judging the mice

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October 17th, 2011

[Oct. 17th, 2011|12:20 am]

svētdienas vakara kvīzis - kādu futbolistu biogrāfijas es iegādājos čaritīšopos? hints - vienu no tām es pirktu tikai čaritīšopā.
vispār baigi jau smieklīgi, kā biogrāfijas izdod klubi, un tad spēlētāji aiziet uz citiem. un vispār kāpēc biogrāfijas jāizdod pašā jaunības plaukumā?
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[Oct. 17th, 2011|02:41 pm]

jauns specveltījums wattam no uk )
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[Oct. 17th, 2011|02:45 pm]

un šis - veltījums prtg )
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[Oct. 17th, 2011|03:03 pm]

un vēl šis tas no borough market )
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[Oct. 17th, 2011|09:41 pm]

freidlistē raksta par pārāk labu iztēli, tāpēc no manis gabaliņš intervijas ar strosu tikko izlasītās halting state pēcvārdā:
- you've gained degrees in pharmacy and computer science and worked as a pharmacist, software engineer and freelance journalist (...)
- i figured out i wasn't well suited to being a pharmacist pretty early on - i have too much imagination. (the ideal pharmacist is meticulous, learned, has infinite attention to detail, and doesn't lie awake at night worrying about how many people they may have poisoned by accident the day before.)

tagad varu ķerties pie nākamās grāmatas. es_šobrīd_lasu komūnā varēs uzzināt, kādas. tikmēr var minēt, uzvarētājam ekvivalents.

[Oct. 17th, 2011|10:50 pm]
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lord vetinari on drugs:
i have no particular objection to people taking substances that make them feel better or more contended, or, for that matter, see little dancing purple fairies - or even their god if it comes to that. it's their brain, after all, and society can have no claim on it, providing they're not operating heavy machinery at the time.

[ viewing | October 17th, 2011 ]
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