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[Dec. 9th, 2016|03:02 pm]

civilizācija ir milzīgs trūkumu un kompromisu jūklis (c) biezpientaure

[Oct. 2nd, 2016|08:28 pm]

put some alcohol in your mouth to stop words from coming out
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[Oct. 24th, 2014|04:02 pm]
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more than half the skill of writing lies in tricking the book out of your own head
(it kā uz manu pērkamo profesiju neattiecas, bet uzrunāja ļoti)
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[Dec. 26th, 2013|04:35 am]
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moist von lipwig par agrajiem rītiem: he was allergic to the concept of two seven o'clocks in one day
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[Sep. 15th, 2013|01:21 pm]

Kraus spent a lot of time reading stuff he hated, so as to be able to hate it with authority.
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[Aug. 23rd, 2013|10:10 am]
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mīlestībai ir daudzas sejas un dažas no tām ir viepļi (c) honeybee
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[Feb. 5th, 2013|10:26 pm]

we have to take in nourishment, expel waste, and inhale enough oxygen to keep our cells from dying. everything else is optional.
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[Jan. 5th, 2013|01:19 am]
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he said nothing. it seemed the smartest thing to say.

[Oct. 7th, 2012|12:21 am]
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small animals whose ultimate destiny is to be an abrupt damp squeak (c) sers terijs p.
es mēdzu justies kā tāds zvēriņš

[Aug. 7th, 2012|05:48 pm]
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vai jūs ticat mīlestībai no pirmā acu skata vai arī man būs nepieciešams jums paiet garām vēlreiz? (c) bordeaux
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[Jun. 27th, 2012|11:41 pm]
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gribēju teikt, ka nedēļas nogale pagāja diezgan līksmi, bet tad sapratu, ka otrdiena un trešdiena ne tuvu nav nekāda nedēļas nogale (c) zirka

[Mar. 8th, 2012|02:27 pm]
[muz |nākamā pietura downloada bulvāris]

storytelling is the opposite of reduction; 26 letters and some rules of grammar are no story at all.

[Mar. 2nd, 2012|10:28 pm]

tā kā pret vakariem manā galvā notiek tikai tas, ka retumis saskrienas kādi divi pārpalikušie neironi, viss manā vietā jāpasaka citiem, piemēram, unpijam:
"(visu šo nedēļu) manas mazās zirņa izmēra smadzenes strādā salīdzinoši smagnējā režīmā, nu, kā 1979. gada izlaiduma automobīlis "zaporožec", kurš teš jau piecsimto kilometru ar ātrumu 80km/h"
moš noveļam to visu uz apziņas parazītiem?

[Mar. 1st, 2012|02:11 pm]
[muz |emeralds - alive in the sea of information]

cibas daiļrunības favorīti pēdējās dienās:
ar ārējā izskata problēmām apsēsta kosmētikas pārnēsātāja (c) neoplazma
dārglieta ar iespēju piedalīties ceļu satiksmē (c) biezpientaure
uzminiet nu, kas tas ir
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[Jan. 28th, 2012|12:27 am]

I came to the conclusion that Lord of the Rings was, most probably, the best book that ever could be written, which put me in something of a quandary. I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. (That’s not true: I wanted to be a writer then.) And I wanted to write The Lord of the Rings. The problem was that it had already been written.

uzminiet rakstnieku!
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[Nov. 6th, 2011|11:12 pm]
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jūs esat bijuši labi bērni, te būs gabaliņš pračeta par pilsētām:
now ankh-morpork was before him.
it was a little disappointing. he'd expected high white towers rearing over the landscape, and flags. ankh-morpork didn't rear. rather, it sort of skulked, clinging to the soil as if afraid someone might steal it.
un par atbildēm uz grūtiem jautājumiem:
in a manner of speaking, yes. in another manner of speaking, which is a rather more precise and accurate manner of speaking, no.
un par ceļojumiem:
it was a five hundred mile journey and, surprisingly, quite uneventful. people who are rather more than six feet tall and nearly as broad across the shoulders often have uneventful journeys. people jump out at them from behind rocks then say things like "oh. sorry. i thought you were someone else."

[Nov. 4th, 2011|12:50 am]
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[muz |ride - today]

cik jau dienas bez pračeta citātiem? tā jau nu gan dzīvot nevar, drāmas un kuņģi.
snuff gan esmu jau pabeigusi, bet nupat ir laiks pārlasīt kaut ko no vecajiem un samiegties ar acīm kā seniem draugiem.
iebaksti-plauktā-un-paņem loterija izbrāķēja johny and the dead, jo gribas tomēr discworld, tāpēc no plaukta izcēla guards guards. atšķīru un iekliedzos: "vaii cik veca grāmata! vaimss taču sen jau nedzer!"
the city wasa, wasa, wasa wossname. thing. woman. thass what it was. woman. roaring, ancient, centuries old. strung you along, let you fall in thingy, love, with her, then kicked you inna, inna, thingy. thingy, in your mouth. tongue. tonsils. teeth. that's what it, she, did.

[Oct. 27th, 2011|11:40 pm]
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you know, vimes, sometimes your expression becomes so wooden that i think i could make a table out of it.
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[Oct. 27th, 2011|10:05 pm]
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tārkie trauki, laiks vakara pračetam.

vimes woke in damp and utter darkness with sand under his cheek. some parts of his body reported for duty, others protested that they had a note from their mother.

sergeant detritus was merging with the landscape, a feat that a troll officer can achieve by simply removing his armour and sticking a geranium behind his ear, whereupon he becomes, being of a rocky and stony persuasion, pretty much part of the landscape without even trying.

[Oct. 26th, 2011|12:19 am]
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there are only so many words, letters and syllables available to the tongue, and if you can't come to terms with that then you might as well never get out of bed.
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