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[Jan. 15th, 2013|03:38 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:January 15th, 2013 - 04:21 pm

I know this guy!

Yes, dear Alcohol! I invite you for silent and peaceful evenings, but you grab me by the hand and drag through the city. Then you suggest me stupid ideas and when you have had all the fun, you try to leave. But you can't do that properly either, can you? You have to make me feel sorry for myself, you have to make me hate you and never want to see you again - but then you tempt me with some last intimacy to make the pain go away...Yes, dear Alcohol, you are a true jerk.
[User Picture]
Date:January 15th, 2013 - 04:43 pm

Re: I know this guy!


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