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judging the mice

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[Oct. 20th, 2011|11:48 pm]
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vēl šis tas no jaunā pračeta:

- i shall lay out a selection of cutting edges for you in your dressing room, sir, and i myself will go up to the copse half an hour before you're due to be there, with my trusty bow and an assortment of favourite playthings. it's nearly a full moon, clear skies, there'll be shadows everywhere, and i'll be standing in the darkest one of them.
vimes looked at him for a moment and said: - could i please amend that suggestion? could you not be there in the second darkest shadow one hour before midnight, to see who steps into the darkest shadow?

- her ladyship was very specific abut my bringing the plum-coloured evening dress, sir.
- she says it makes me look dashing, - said vimes morosely. - do you think it makes me look dashing? am i a dashing kind of person, would you say?
- i'd put you down as more the sprinting sort, sir, - said willikins.


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