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judging the mice

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[Feb. 3rd, 2011|04:26 pm]
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Date:February 3rd, 2011 - 04:44 pm
“There was supposed to be a line!” she says. “This new university they are building – there is supposed to be a line down there (she gestures towards the far end of the allotments) where the building will take place. On this side of the line they said we could grow our gardens for two more years, but look at it! It’s ruined. Completely destroyed…”

The destruction has been performed not by construction crews for the university/council offices which may or may not get built but by a ragbag assortment of tramps, thieves, drug addicts and scrap dealers. As soon as the designated date passed they descended on the allotments, harrowing the land and everything on it with an efficiency that would almost be admirable if it wasn’t so brutal.
Date:February 3rd, 2011 - 04:57 pm
uff :( ko tur vēl piebilst.

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