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[Feb. 16th, 2010|11:43 pm]
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purniņgrāmatas freidlisti es lasu nu jau varbūt reizi nedēļā, toties sanāk reāla literatūra.
šajā setā labākais: marka e. smita lidostas grupa

Liverpool has the John Lennon Airport and New York the JFK Airport. Mancunians have got boring old Manchester Airport. Manchester has spurned a great opportunity to honour a cultural icon of rock n' roll, the great Mark E. Smith of The Fall. We demand the immediate renaming of the airport so that henceforth it be known as The Mark E. Smith International Airport.

gara acīm jau redzu, kā mārtkōrs iet pieregoties purniņgrāmatā :)
vēl es redzu arī to, kā viss cibas panteons sadodas rokās, lai mums sanāktu aizbraukt uz primavera sound arī šogad. pwetty pwease? tur būs visāds awesomeness, including marks ē smits:

Date:February 17th, 2010 - 09:48 pm

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