[Jun. 10th, 2009|01:23 am] |
pārnāku mājās un skatos, visi šovakar vicina vecas melnās apenes. pa jaunam slinkums, bet pirms gadiem 3arpus bija tāds: http://klab.lv/users/rasbainieks/114136.htmlbet tas nav svarīgi. vispār es šovakar mācījos spēlēt bakgamonu. saliku renē visas trīs reizes, un tikai pirmajā viņš man stāstīja, ko un kāpēc dara pats, un ko un kāpēc vajadzētu darīt man. arī pikniks parkā izdevās ļoti labs - ķīmijas vorkšopā sataisījām visādus atvieglinātus vīna dzērienus limonādes un minerālūdens pudelēs un godam pasēdējām, līdz drēgnais vakars lika turpināt iekštelpās. |
Comments: |
laiki un tikumi mainās, bet apenes paliek.
apeņu stili mainās - paskat, šajā sezonā ir ar lielu un spīdīgu quizgalaxy bļembu.
šajā reinas pusē to spēli sauc par nardām ;) (nardas)
kurā reinas pusē ir turcija? mēs spēlējam pa turku modei, ar sišanu.
zdrasķe - ja ir viens pats bez "jumtiņa" kauliņš, viņš tiek sūtīts mājās jebkurā "reinas" pusē ;)
āzijā sauc par nardām un tā arī iegājies visā CCCP ;)
zdrasķe, dažā labā ex-republikā spēlē bez sišanas, es tikai neatceros uz sitiena, kura tā bija :)
From: | rene |
Date: | June 10th, 2009 - 09:08 pm |
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Uzbekistan. They play Nard or Narde, the originally Persian version of the game, which is also considered to be the Russian version of the game. Main differences to the Turkish one (Tavla, which I believe is identical to standard Backgammon) are that: - you don't kick out the opponent, and a field is blocked when one checker is there - you move in the same direction (counterclockwise), even though you start in different places on the board - different starting position, with all a player's checkers on one field - if I remember Dasha's instructions right (despite that I wasn't sober a single time when we played, cause we always played in that cute rock bar), there are no doubles
However, from what I've seen it's quite common in Russia to play the standard Turkish version of the game, but still call it "Narde".
And by the way, in Uzbekistan (and maybe elsewhere), there's a version of Narde that's played without dice - it works like Nard, but you tell the numbers you want to move. Sounds weird, but given that you block a field with only one checker, should be quite a strategic challenge.
Look how professional I sound, huh! And what does it help? I just lost 3 games to a newbie.
vai ku jauki ;) paldies!
būtu kādreiz jāizmēģina arī šādi noteikumi - jāpameklē krievu forumos
and the last one of them was a begginer's guide to the consequences of "hey let's try something crazy!" :)
From: | rene |
Date: | June 11th, 2009 - 10:56 am |
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The 1/36 probability of THESE exact consequences, yes...
oh, good morning, and a blowjob to you too! :)
From: | rene |
Date: | June 11th, 2009 - 11:31 am |
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I forgot it. Again. Am hungover. Little Laura brought a healthy appetite for drinking and talking from the obscure countryside she now inhabits. There are lots of bottles in the kitchen that weren't there yesterday, and there are physical somethings in my head that weren't there yesterday. I think I'll go for a nap, and write "blowjob" on my palm. | |