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While the idea of men in high heels makes most of us cringe or even laugh right aloud, high heels for men are actually in! While most men don't wear high heels that are made for women, more and more men's shoes are being made with a heel, and technically they are high heels! While some men may choose to wear high heels that are made for women, the majority of men don't, but they are still indulging in the high-heeled look that has been appealing to women for years! Men in high heels may be something that makes most of us gasp, but it is becoming more and more common, just look at the feet of the men in your life!
Men in high heels are becoming more common because shoes are becoming important now, even for men. Your average, every day Joe now cares what his shoes look like so much that he will go to a special store and drop more money than he did on his Nike Jordan's in the 1980s. Shoes are in for men, because most men are learning that shoes are part of the overall look, something women have known for years. Style is becoming more and more important, and shoes are a big part of style now, even for men so the high heel rules for both men and women right now.
Because there is this new awareness on the part of men about their shoes, men in high heels simply seem natural. Therefore, they are not stilettos but they are higher heels then men have been wearing in recent history. Dress shoes with a thicker heal, men's shoes with a thicker sole, boots with higher heels and soles, as well as casual boots with a substantial heel are all very popular in men's shoes right now. Of course, these men's high heels don't look feminine at all and because the look is so popular most men don't even notice that the hell is higher than they have been in their shoes in the past. What men do know about these high heels is that they look good with all of their clothes.
We're seeing men in high heels everywhere! Men are wearing these newer high-heeled shoes to the clubs, to work, casually on their days off of work, even to church. The style right now is just the high heel and the chunky sole, so these shoes can be seen just about everywhere that you can think of. The reason that they are being seen so often is that the high-heeled look is very versatile so that men can wear them with business attire, business causal attire, and even casual wear so it does not seem to matter what he is wearing, a man can wear his high-heeled shoes.
This men in high heels phase has been growing over the last several years, but the fashion trend seems to have peaked and is very popular right now. Even the most traditional men are finding these higher heels very sharp looking, so you'll see men in just about every age group taking part in this fashion. It doesn't seem to matter how old or young a man is or what he does for a living, he'll buy the shoes that look good. Many men also feel as though the higher heels are very comfortable, so much so that they wouldn't go back to the lower heels if they were given the chance. The chunkier sole often gives more cushion, especially in the better-made shoes.
Clark Hunter "Men In High Heels"
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