qi's Journal
[Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends]
Below are the 12 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 10:22 am |
Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 10:22 am |
Latest PostsCurrent posting stats: 4.31 per hour, 0.07 per minute 
May 27 10:21 |
Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 10:20 am |
Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 10:20 am |
body bgcolor="#6666CC" text="#000000" link="#000050" vlink="#500050" alink="#FF00C0">
 qi's Journal
[Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends]
Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 10:19 am |
Latest PostsCurrent posting stats: 4.28 per hour, 0.07 per minute 
May 27 10:19 |
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
| | 10:19 am |
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
| | 10:19 am |
Latest PostsCurrent posting stats: 4.28 per hour, 0.07 per minute  | | |
May 27 10:20 |
| | 10:21 am |
| | 10:22 am |
Latest PostsCurrent posting stats: 4.31 per hour, 0.07 per minute 
May 27 10:21 |
Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 10:20 am |
Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 10:20 am |
body bgcolor="#6666CC" text="#000000" link="#000050" vlink="#500050" alink="#FF00C0">
 qi's Journal
[Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends]
Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 10:19 am |
Latest PostsCurrent posting stats: 4.28 per hour, 0.07 per minute 
May 27 10:19 |
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
| | 10:19 am |
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
| | 10:19 am |
Latest PostsCurrent posting stats: 4.28 per hour, 0.07 per minute  | | |
May 27 10:20 |
| | 10:21 am |
Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 10:20 am |
Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 10:20 am |
body bgcolor="#6666CC" text="#000000" link="#000050" vlink="#500050" alink="#FF00C0">
 qi's Journal
[Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends]
Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 10:19 am |
Latest PostsCurrent posting stats: 4.28 per hour, 0.07 per minute 
May 27 10:19 |
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
| | 10:19 am |
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
| | 10:19 am |
Latest PostsCurrent posting stats: 4.28 per hour, 0.07 per minute  | | | 10:20 am |
Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 10:20 am |
body bgcolor="#6666CC" text="#000000" link="#000050" vlink="#500050" alink="#FF00C0">
 qi's Journal
[Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends]
Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 10:19 am |
Latest PostsCurrent posting stats: 4.28 per hour, 0.07 per minute 
May 27 10:19 |
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
| | 10:19 am |
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
| | 10:19 am |
Latest PostsCurrent posting stats: 4.28 per hour, 0.07 per minute 
May 27 10:19 |
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
| | 10:19 am |
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
| | 10:20 am |
body bgcolor="#6666CC" text="#000000" link="#000050" vlink="#500050" alink="#FF00C0">
 qi's Journal
[Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends]
Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 10:19 am |
Latest PostsCurrent posting stats: 4.28 per hour, 0.07 per minute 
May 27 10:19 |
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
| | 10:19 am |
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
| | 10:19 am |
Latest PostsCurrent posting stats: 4.28 per hour, 0.07 per minute 
May 27 10:19 |
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
| | 10:19 am |
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in qi's LiveJournal:
| 10:18 am |
About LiveJournal | 10:18 am |
smessag | 10:16 am |
- Your Journal
- Entries can include:
- The basics: subject, text, and date.
- Small pictures used to represent you.
- Current mood
text/icon and your current music. - Polls that automatically tabulate votes.
- Per-entry security lets you restrict entries to just yourself or groups
of your friends. - Comments on each entry support paging and threading (comments replying to other comments).
- A user profile includes:
- A mini-biography.
- A list of your interests, another way to
find other users</a>. - A link to our text message gateway that won't reveal your cell phone number.
- Who you've befriended, who's befriended you.
- What communities you read and participate in.
- Fully integrated photo storage with basic image and photo editing.
- Privacy
- You control:
- Who can see each individual entry.
- Who can see your contact information.
- Who can text message you.
- Who can leave comments, and whose comments are screened pending your approval.
- Who can participate in individual polls.
- Ban other users from your journal or community.
- Customization
- Easily modify the look of your journal, using either a template-based
style system or a higher-level customization wizard. - For more control, program your own style with the S2
programming language. - Embed your
journal into your own web page.
- Friends
- A built-in aggregator (called the "friends view") shows all of
your friends' entries in one page. - Friend groups let you classify
people for both filtering and security. - Syndication lets you read offsite news sources (RSS)
just like they were other users.
- Software
- Client programs (for Windows, MacOS, Linux, and more) let you update
journals without opening a web browser.
- Social Networking
- Interoperability
- The RSS
feed of every journal lets other sites/tools aggregate your content. - Full Unicode support allows you to write in any language.
- Our site is available in many languages.
- Open Process
 This site was started for use amongst a small group of friends. The fact that it got so popular without any advertising just goes to show how cool it is. Try it out .... if you have any problems or suggestions on how it could be made better, let us know! | 10:15 am |
bez algoritma bt bt bt | 10:13 am |
Dienasgrāmatas Tavs personīgais realitātes šovs
Sviesta Ciba ir Tava dienasgrāmata, weblogs, klabe, mājas lapa, Tava dzīve, sadirstā un veltā. Līdzīgi kā daudzi piedāvā izveidot mājas lapu WWW tīklā, pie mums var izveidot vienkārši webloga lapu (tīmekļa dienasgrāmatu). Piemēram, kā šī... Vai šī!
Piesakies uz dienasgrāmatu Spied šeit, un saņemsi sev dienasgrāmatu! Pavisam par brīvu! (Kamēr serveru resursi ļauj.)
BEZ CENZŪRAS, BEZ KORPORATĪVĀ TIZLUMA, BEZ VĒLMES NOPELNĪT PAR KATRU CENU. Iegūsti apmaksāta lietotāja privilēģijas (sms pakalpojumi šobriid nav pieejami)
Achtung: cibošanās var izraisīt spēcīgu psiholoģisku atkarību. Esiet modri. Zināšanai: SC guru ir watt, email: watt.lists@gmail.com Problēmas rakstīt uz: support@klab.lv
Paskrullē uz leju, tur ir visi rīki un saites. Pats galvenais
Bīdīt tekstus Ierakstīt kaut ko savā dienasgrāmatā, lietojot pārlūkprogrammu. (cits rīks) Informācija par sevi Mainīt informāciju par sevi. (Varbūt gribēji nomainīt paroli?) Dienasgrāmatas ieraksti Labot vai dzēst ierakstus dienasgrāmatā. Dienasgrāmatu izdzēst (ja sagribas), var te. Izmainīt dienasgrāmatas izskatu Šeit var izmainīt kā tava dienasgrāmata izskatās, un vispār mainīt dažādus iestatījumus kā izskatās tava klabe. Ir pieejama arī vecā S1 stilu sistēma.
Citas svarīgas lietas Pārvaldīšanas lapa Pārvaldīšanas lapā ir saites uz (gandrīz) visiem servisiem un rīkiem, kas šeit tiek piedāvāti. Izvēlēties draugus Pasaki man kas tavi draugi... Mainīt lietotaja bildes Vari ielādēt savā žurnālā papildus lietotāja bildītes! Download Var lejupielādēt šādas tādas visādas programmas, kas padara dienasgrāmatas uzturēšanu vieglāku. Dažādi Rezerves kopija Tu vari saglabāt dienasgrāmatas rezerves kopiju uz sava datora (xml fails)... Lai nekur nepazūd! Support Aizmirsti... Browser you can trust: Firefox!
Cibiņi sviestojas: tagad 4.29 puksti stundā, 0.07 minūtē
Sviesta CibaEsi iežurnalējies kā qi, izžurnalēties?Sveiks, Cibiņ!Meklēšana Pirmā palīdzībaInfo par Cibu... Lietošanas noteikumiInformācijas privātumsJuridiskā informācijaLapas karteBrowse Options |