Tue, Mar. 16th, 2004, 12:43 pm
[info]pzrk: par blogošanas/cibošanas principiem

Rebecca Blood sniedz viedu padomu par rakstīšanu un domāšanu:
Write in your weblog. Write every day or several times a week. It doesn't matter what you write about, but every time you update your site, include one link to an article or another website, and summarize it in one sentence. You may add one sentence of opinion if you like, but it's not necessary. Don't be surprised if this takes longer than writing longer entries. Writing short is hard. This practice is the one that improved my writing the most, the fastest.
© http://www.rebeccablood.net/archive/2004/03.html#12advice

No turpatienes es nokļuvu fragmentā iz tās pašas lēdijas sarakstītās rokasgrāmatas: Cibošanas ētika. Pats es vēl visu [fragmentu] neizlasīju, jo man ir apnicis sērfot un es eju gulēt.

Pulkstenis rāda rītu un šī teksta rakstīšanas brīdī Cibas darba laiks vēl nav sācies.

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