Sat, Jun. 11th, 2005, 10:59 pm

Atvērās "viltīga" weblapa pirms winamps nokārās.

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A license is required to play this file

The file you are trying to play was ripped (copied) from an audio CD.

During the ripping process, the file was "protected." This limits the number of computers on which the file can be played.

To play the file on this computer, you must download a license (a process known as "license migration"). A license acts an electronic key that allows you to "unlock" a protected file and play it.

To download a license for this file, click Download License.


Microsoft keeps track of the number of license migrations that have been performed for this content. Microsoft does not collect any contact information (such as your name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address) to perform the migration. For more information about the information that is sent to Microsoft, see the Privacy Statement.

For more information about protected files and license migration, see the Windows Media Player FAQ page.

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