May 15th, 2007

12:33 am

Atvēru logu, izslēdzu mūziku.
Current music: lietus un pērkons, un daži putneļi, kuriem nav miera lietus laikā.
Un, ja pa nakti gribēsiet iekāpt pie manis pa logu, ziniet, ka pase, maks un auto atslēgas ir zem laikraksta "Vakaro Žinios". Kad atradīsiet telefonu, pamodiniet mani.

11:03 am
I can read the minds of idiots

Šis ir labs. No Overheard in New York:
We're Thinking of Going on the Road

Teen girl #1: Lauren! What is the name of the movie I saw that one time? You know -- there was a guy in it. He had, um... hair? He was sad and stuff?
Lauren: Johnny Depp in Edward Scissorhands.
Teen girl #1: Yes! Exactly! Him! He was in another movie. I swear... Um... His hair was different, though, and he had that hat. We should rent that movie.
Lauren: The movie Secret Window will scare you. Your mind can't take in something like that.
Teen girl #1: Hey! Well, yeah, maybe you're right.
Teen girl #2, to Lauren: How can you ever tell what she's talking about?!
Lauren: I can read the minds of idiots. It's a sad and useless power. Except, of course, in cases like this.

--Central Park