Sun, Jun. 13th, 2004, 09:26 pm
[info]pzrk: Ja vēlreiz kāds pajautās,

Bet vispār MetaFilter diskusijā ir labs pretarguments:

"Google's a great first place to check when looking for some pretty simple facts; for anything more in-depth it can give you interesting results but it's no substitute for asking a knowledgeable human being. Why? Because it returns bullshit as readily as fact, lunacy as easily as scholarship, misquotes and distortion as often as citation, rants as often as reportage. In short, Google can only return what's on the web, almost indiscriminately and certainly without any direct metric for the actual quality of the information. In many topics the best information is in books, and books generally aren't on the web. Having someone who's made your subject their area of study to ask can save you going down some very misleading paths indeed.

That said, this page would be a lot more clever if it acutally took parameterized arguments and passed them to Google, listing the results below the chalkboard. As it is it's just a very cheap way to be snide."

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