Wed, Dec. 17th, 2003, 01:53 pm

tā konkrētā dziesma mani neko īpaši neuzrunā, bet profesionālā interese mani urķīja tik ilgi, līdz es meklētājā ierakstīju vārdus "define sexed up"


To have sex with. (Man, I want to sex up your mom.)

to embellish or exaggerate (A short time after sexing up the report, the scientist was found dead in the woods.)

to have physical contact with someone, such as making out, feeling up, or fucking. ("That boy is so pure sex, I can't wait to sex him up.")

The art or act of sexing someone else. Present tense, "sexing up". Must be done vertically. (The dog sexed up my leg.)

A word coming into circulation in BBC News. ("First the headlines, and then the sexed up weather forecast")

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