printing101 ([info]printing101) rakstīja,
@ 2006-05-02 02:25:00

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Sculptures Days. Sculptures in spectacular places door hanger printed
This exhibition is draft samples made to encourage cities etc. to erect huge metallic sculptures in spectacular places. What you buy from me is the idea, the drafts and all my experiences from building a huge metallic sculpture. The sculpture is built by the buyer in the buyer's city by local entrepreneurs. In my designs my point of departure solely has been artistically, so in case huge technical or other difficulties arise I will make a redesign.
Read more... Tax color Flyers printing realtor full color business cards printing Lasik Eye Surgery Full Color Printing Florida Full Color Brochure Design & Printing Fort lauderdale
Brochure Design & Printing Miami South Florida
Brochure Design & Printing Miami South Florida Brochure Design & Printing Miami South Florida

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