pocket ([info]pocket) rakstīja,
@ 2005-04-26 18:30:00

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Garastāvoklis: sick
Mūzika:He'Dup - s.s.f.

She-Male Trouble -Unkind
I got you in mind
Memories - unkind
Always trying to protect you
From all that shit we went through
But - time slipped right through our hands
Crying out didn't make much sense
Some things I can not change
I would never do the same
Some things I can not change
And I'm not the one to blame
I turn back time inside my mind
I call you name reeeetuuuuurrning pain
All regrets are coming late
And what I feel I can't explain
So here I am wasting time
Hey babe I still got you in mind

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