Lloids-Vēbers savu naudu bērniem mantojumā neatstās
Lord Lloyd-Webber is the latest celebrity to announce he won't be leaving all his money to his children.
Earlier this year, Nigella Lawson said she wouldn't be leaving her fortune to her two children and stepdaughter.
She said: '(I want them) to know that I am working and that you have to work in order to earn money.
'I am determined that my children should have no financial security. It ruins people not having to earn money.'
Ja pavisam īsi, viņa uzskats ir, ka bērniem pašiem jāmāk pelnīt naudu. Palīdzību viņiem ir jāsaņem dzīves sākumā, kamēr iegūst izglītību, pēc tam jākuļas tālāk pašiem.
Un ko Tu domā par šo jautājumu?
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