Petrovichs ([info]petrovichs) rakstīja,
@ 2007-01-03 00:08:00

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WOMBAT Powered

A wombat (Vombatus ursinus) is a somewhat cute marsupial from Australia. They are similar to koalas except that they burrow and don't have a propensity for eucalyptus. They are fairly peaceful creatures, unless provoked.

However, WOMBAT is an acronym that stands for "Waste Of Money, Brains, And Talent", and it's responsible for this site. If you find yourself working on projects that have no real redeeming value, then you are most likely working on a WOMBAT. WOMBATs pop up at work, at home, with friends, and in almost all parts of daily life. This site is an enormous WOMBAT.

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