as i dream about movies they won't make of me when i'm dead - jūs tāpat guļat. a es nemāku rt mūdā šitos nez kāpēc ielikt.

Feb. 17th, 2010 02:46 am jūs tāpat guļat. a es nemāku rt mūdā šitos nez kāpēc ielikt. tāpēc izmantošu vienreizējās nakts tiesībās piepildīt citu frendlistes ar info, kas viņiem zem astes.
You Fall for the Sexy Daredevil Type

You can't help but be drawn to someone who's likely to break your heart. You're very attracted to danger.
You like a relationship with lots of passion, thrills, and even a few ups and downs.
For you, physical attraction and chemistry go a long way. You need to feel a spark immediately in order to be interested in someone.
Looks alone won't cut it though... They're just the starting point. You need intensity all the way down to the core!
You Are Humor

You love to laugh at life, and if possible, get others to laugh along with you.
You believe there's always a humorous side to everything. And your sense of humor ranges from upbeat to very dark.
You are outrageous and very honest. You're often the only one willing to say what everyone else is thinking.
You are witty and verbally talented. You like to play with words and say things in interesting ways.
You Are The Id

You don't think, you just do. Consequences be damned.
You are driven by pleasure - and you tend to be addicted to excess.
At times, you can be highly reactive. You're always ready for a fight.
You also have a high sex drive, and it's been known to get you in trouble!
You Are Fairly Abnormal in Love

When it comes to love, you definitely have your own take on things.
You love and hurt like everyone else, but your expectations and rules are different.
It may make it hard for you to feel understood. People don't really get where you're coming from.
Why You Are Normal in Love
You are normal because you believe more than one soulmate is possible.
You are normal because you think it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved.
Why You Aren't Normal in Love
You are abnormal because you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend after you were 14.
You are abnormal because you rather that your partner die first.
9 comments - Leave a comment  | |

vienreizējās nakts tiesības ir kolosāls koncepts! :)
hmmm...paldies. es jau spiedu uz komentiem drebošām rokām, gaidot pārmetumus un vecus tomātus... bet starp citu, ja tu šai stundā esi klabā, lai vēl joprojām risinātu diskusijas ar to amēbu, tad man viņai jāpiekrīt, ka tev ar galvu noteikti kaut kas nav kārtībā. tas ir, nē... tev tāpat pilnīgi noteikti ar galvu kaut kas nav kārtībā...bet tādā labā nozīmē, savukārt, ja tu vēl kaut kur strīdies... bļin. nē, es te tūlīt sapīšos.
un tu cilvēks nevari vairs mierīgi pirms miedziņa pastrādāt, lai Kāds Kaut Ko Nepadomātu :) labrīt, ja.
labi, es arī pieteikšos, ka neguļu, ja
 | From: | jimmy |
Date: | February 17th, 2010 - 03:25 am |
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es ceru, ka turēsies pie tā, ka šīs tiesības ir vienreizējas trijos naktī frendlisti pārčekojot tu negaidi ieraudzīt, ka vēl kādam ir tik pat garlaicīga nakts, galu galā
vai tad tas nav mierinoši?
 | From: | jimmy |
Date: | February 17th, 2010 - 03:22 pm |
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tas ka tas bija vienreizēji vai tas, ka vēl kādam ir galaicīgi?
padomā! dubultmierinājums.