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Bibliogrāfija 2
Afshar, H (2008) Women and Development, Lecture on States, Development and Conflict at the University of York, York on February 5, 2008.
Goetz, A.M. and R. Sen Gupta (1996) ‘Who Takes The Credit? Gender, Power and Control over Loan Use in Rural Credit Programmes in Bangladesh '. World Development, Vol 24 No 1, pp 45-63
Mayoux, L (1997) ‘The Magic Ingredient? Microfinance & Women's Empowerment'.
Mayoux, L (1999) ‘From Access To Empowerment: Gender Issues In Micro-Finance', CSD.
Mayoux, L (2003) ‘Women's Empowerment and Participation in Micro-Finance: Evidence, Issues and Ways Forward', Samskriti New Delhi.
Mayoux, L (2005) ‘Integrating Gender Policy in Micro-Finance: Community Development Centre (CODEC), BANGLADESH ', Aga Khan Foundation Website on Sustainable Micro-finance for Women's Empowerment.
Mayoux, L and Lacoste, J-P (2005) ‘Saving for Sustainability: Self-Help Development Foundation', Aga Khan Foundation Website on Sustainable Micro-finance for Women's Empowerment.