e ([info]outcast) rakstīja,
@ 2006-11-07 16:44:00

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Mūzika:Sigur Ros

Ny Batteri
Barbwire Stapled In My Mouth That Bleeds Me
Locked In A Cage
Naked Animals Beat Me
And A Savior Knocks
An Untamed Puts In New Batteries
And Charges Once Again (X4)
We Set Off
Into The Unknow
Until We Destroy Everything And Are Dominant
Once Again (X3)
Once Again In The Back Where We Ride
Again The Barbwire
In My Mouth That Rips Up An Old Healed Wound
Have Become A Rusty Soul
The Electricity Is Gone
I Want To Cut
And Slice Myself To Death
But I Dont Have The Courage
I Rather Turn Myself Off
Im Alone Again

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