olga_zhitnikova ([info]olga_zhitnikova) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-16 13:10:00

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forgot to post this lastweek
Ahh.. Just crawled out of the car after a long drive, and it'll be a while till I learn to use my legs again. But I'm home, and it was a great weekend.Folkfest was awesome. 8th year since I started going, 6th time I've been there. Perhaps there shall be more. Blew the usual pile of cash at the music shops in Osborne Village. As usual, I am quite pleased with the results.Adrian Utley and Mount Vernon Arts Lab: WarminsterThe Beta Band: UntitledDownload: Charlie's FamilyFantastic Plastic Machine: Self-titledFidget: Inside The RoosterFreedom Of ChoiceFunky Porcini: The Ultimately Empty Million PoundsFurnaceface: This Will Make You HappyGeggy Tah: Sacred CowHis Name Is Alive: Are We Still MarriedHocico: Signo De AberracioJimi Tenor: IntervisionKing Crimson: The Construkction Of LightLords Of Acid: Heaven Is An OrgasmRainer Maria: Look Now Look AgainRed Lorry Yellow Lorry: Talk About The Weather & Paint Your WagonRinocerose: Music Kills MeSilver Apples: RemixedThe Whitlams: Torch The MoonSheep On Drugs: Greatest HitsThe Music Tapes: First Imaginary Symphony For NomadAs for the festival music itself... Bomba put on a good show. Burnt did as well, and had the whole crowd dancing. Billy Bragg is a better speaker than a lyricist/singer, it turns out. Ani DiFranco put on a good show, but it seemed like she'd done that same show many times before. Bob Geldof was great, and had some interesting things to say. Buddy Guy is one of the best performers I've ever seen. He's been doing it for so long, but he's still so good at it. Jim Moray was another pleasant surprise. Leon Redbone... Everything that man does is art. I was in awe. Seven Nations is the only band I have ever seen that has successfully rocked out with bagpipes. White Cockatoo was really interesting, but I guess I just don't have the cultural background to understand it, as it all kinda blended together to my untrained ear. There were a lot of similiarities to north american native singing, so I wonder how much of it remains unchanged from tens of thousands of years ago when they split off to migrate there. Spoken in the strange voice of the absurdly tall: "Yea, we got five BOOZEmelons this year! They got everything you need! Ya got food... Ya got.. water, heh heh heh... And ya got yer BOOZE!"Roxx0r!

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