olga_zhitnikova ([info]olga_zhitnikova) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-15 08:23:00

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travelling / manipulating / time
driving abruptly lost its charm so i ditched the car and blew 15 on the spot for a new old bike. i think it's a whole new world of laws than when i last rode, but i've always been a hidden-trails sort so i should be fine.they say the engine control system is flaking out on startup, which makes sense but perplexes as control systems are my 'thing'. i guess it comes down to i love to hold the entire system in my mind and tweak configurations till it holds tune, but in school i always had minions to do my dirty work except when i needed that hands-wrapped-in-wire mind-wrapped-in-formulae rush. fix imminently soon.the sun sets sooner on a longer day; with horizon crossing as bookends you frame it a lot differently than you would indoors with sleep buffering the start. the more time you spend, the more you can have.

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