olga_zhitnikova ([info]olga_zhitnikova) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-31 02:14:00

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gyroscopically locked

I had the idea in my head to get the map inscribed on my left arm, so wherever I travelled in the universe I'd be able to find the way home. With 14 pulsars and the core to guide me, I could count starblinks from any world in this quadrant and know. Spin is my compass.

Atomic clocks, pulsar clocks, the galaxy provides its own GPS. My body has the sense built in as well, for I'm tidelocked north and that's one place I'll be able to find from anywhere on the Earth. Magnetism is my compass.

I eventually decided I had no need for maps. Whereever I go, that's where I'll be. There's no need to fear getting lost when getting lost is exciting. With no compass, I will be free.

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