olga_zhitnikova ([info]olga_zhitnikova) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-29 22:39:00

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house == busy!
I'm living on a diet of candy, chips, cheese and booze. I've climbed 3 mountains and explored a cave since I started writing this post. There's a stolen Book Of Mormon on the coffeetable next to a dumpster-dived sextoy catalogue. I am rapidly approaching the lifestyle I always wanted.One can measure the rate of one's mental metabolism by finding the time between when one defines something as what one hates the most and when one becomes it. When two objects collide, energy is conserved and output is the same as input. Whether they keep going in the same direction as they did before or rebound in opposite directions is sometimes a surprise.Gathering for Dez, those who know Dez and those who would like to know Dez: this evening (friday), my place. Welcome back, butterbee!

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