olga_zhitnikova ([info]olga_zhitnikova) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-26 15:08:00

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North I go!
So I moved out, got a house, adopted some plants, familiarized myself with the house's complementary cat. I've been quite busy sorting and re-sorting material possessions, of which I have about an order of magnitude more than I thought. Thanks much to everyone who helped me move!I'm now under 10 minutes walk from the best park for view, the best park for socialization, the best bar, the second-best coffeeshop, the marina, pretty much everywhere I go on a regular basis other than work. Ideally, that'll be the only thing I'll need motorized transport for. Free at last from internal combustion!I think someome spilled maple syrup in my bedCelebration of new environs is here on Friday. Details to follow!

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