olga_zhitnikova ([info]olga_zhitnikova) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-23 07:05:00

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So woke up fresh and early, ready to cause some trouble. Was going to move lumber, but got distracted along the way... What's the stupidest thing we can do today? Well, the welding supply store and the gun shop are right next to each other... So we picked up 2 liters of liquid nitrogen and half a kilo of gunpowder. Ready for trouble! Went over to Sarah's house... Picked up some breakable-looking yard-sale items, got high, and froze the crap out of some fruit. It was very, very hot, so we made a pool out of cardboard boxes, clearblue garbagebags, and duct tape. Filled it by reconfiguring the house's raingutter system. Cooled down the pool with liquid nitrogen, of course. It looks really neat dancing overtop... Like boiling water a quarterinch above freezing water. The interface held until the indentation froze, and then these little puddles of liquid nitrogen turned to icebergs growing from the inside out. Decided to find a real river, but were prevented from swimming by bolts of lightning raining down. Went out for awesome Chinese dinner instead in a quiet little restaurant. Sunday slept late, woke up to the hottest part of the day. Remedy? McKenzie river! Like Soldier's Hole, but with more jumpable cliffs and less broken glass. Went by the CLE to check out shunned_tea's set at the talent show, but she was betrayed by the questionable ability of the soundguy. Roamed with flesh0rz till it was time to bike to work where I'd watch movies and nap the night away...Monday went out to Dad's and spent the day alternating between mowing the lawn and napping in the hammock with Kim Stanley Robinson's Blue Mars. Spent most of Tuesday out at the Cascades with Anna. Wandered up and down the river, swam for a couple hours and hiked through some of the prettiest forests around. Yay!Wendesday I was back out at McKenzie river and dove from more and more cliffs. Had one of the most productive Indymedia meetings I can remember despite the turnout, and of course enjoyed open stage at the Apollo. Running on zero sleep, went out at 10AM to go rockclimbing. Fingers and toes are bereft of skin and my forearms are screaming from overuse, but feeling awesome. So then we went to the Arboretum. And then we got high. Went out to One-Island lake and swam out and back, out and back... love that feeling of still lake, no gravity... floating in space... I'd love to try a sensory deprivation tank. Shots of sweet syruppy liquor on the beach... Came into town to catch the free show at the Marina. Jordana and the Brothers of Metal put on perhaps the most professional show I've ever seen from a local band. Friday I finished work and roamed town in the hottest weather of the year. Mowed the lawn and accidentally got drunk when the only cold drinks in the fridge were boozy. Decided to take advantage of the situation and went biking around for awhile in the park. Played with gunpowder when I got back. Neat stuff!Saturday went to camp with sugarpacket, metasynthesthia, funkypeaches, mutilatedpixie, letiumtide, and treemaster. Had some dire need to get out of the city, very adequately sated. Was awesome. Sunday was the Camp Currie Economic Council with gdh, mattcanning, swami1678, cogent, kpeltonen, hermanhanschke, fire_in_the_sky, and pedxing. Discussed economics, politics, forestry regulations and sundry other things... A lot of really good points raised on all sides, mind suitably expanded. Headed back to camp for one more night.Tuesday caught Guerilla Funk Monster at the Apollo. Great show, was quite impressed.Wednesday was a surprise drunkening around the Trivial Pursuit board. Twas close, but I won :)Thursday headed out to Surprise Lake and caught some really good Northern Lights. Alas, things were already quieting for the night, so I headed back and watched the apartment building down the street slowly burn down. I was sleeping every second day because I don't want to waste time. I went 3 days without shoes. I've gone swimming almost every day because dang if it isn't awesome hot out. I've been eating a lot of junk food, but hiking it all off. I know it's all nontenable, but danged if I'm not going to run with it for as long as I can physically hold out. Come skydiving with me on Monday Aug. 25th. If you've never jumped before, it's 200ish for the course and your first jump. Cheaper if you're brave enough to put down a deposit. It's gonna be f'ing awesome. Life is f'ing awesome.

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