olga_zhitnikova ([info]olga_zhitnikova) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-21 01:00:00

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I'm a meme-carrier.
Interview-meme. Yee! 1. What are your own favourite and least favourite traits?I like being intelligent. I like having the determination to do stupid things to see where my true limits really are. I like that I can use reason effectively when appropriate. On the other hand, I hate how I always find excuses not to do things. I hate how much inertia I have. I hate how much I need people. 2. Describe your ideal surroundings?Utopia in the trees, an Ewok village built here on Earth.Brain in a comfortably warm tank, the whole wired world before me and under my control.Underground home commanding an incredible cliffside view, sunset at the end of summer, ultramodern living room, sweet intoxicant in the air, Tangerine Dream echoing from the hi-fi across the valley.The well-insulated aluminum walls of a space station carrying me high above the Earth.Hiking in beautiful woods / gathering in coffeeshop / enjoying a concert with good friends and good conversationalists. 3. What characteristic(s) do you respect the most in another person?I love it when people pick something and follow through on it. Intelligence is one thing, but it does nothing without productivity. I like it when people think through their problems instead of repeating them. Most of all, I like it when people get things done. 4. What childhood nursery rhyme do you feel represents you most accurately.For want of a nail, the shoe was lost:For want of the shoe, the horse was lost;For want of the horse, the rider was lost;For want of the rider, the battle was lost;For want of the battle, the kingdom was lost,And all for the want of a nail.Runner-up:See-Saw Marjorie Daw;Sold her bed,And lay upon straw. 5. What do you hope to accomplish in your life?Gain a deep understanding of the universeLearn the meaning of lifeFinish highschoolMove out of homeAcquire a full selection of material posessionsFind real loveGet a job that pays higher than the national averageFinish collegeMove out of townGo skydivingTravel in EuropeProduce children smarter and stronger than myselfSave the EarthDestroy the EarthDie satisfiedI might take 3 of the remaining items off the list as silly. Still, I've done almost everything I originally set out to do and am pretty much in a bind as to what to do next.

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